Hydrogen containing the power of the future

Hydrogen is the most powerful energy carrier of the future

Hydrogen is the most powerful energy carrier of the future.

The green shift stands on the very element that the universe is built upon. Hydrogen is the most abundant element for transitioning the world away from oil. The climate challenges we face as a collective is your business opportunity and the time is now. ENETECH is in the forefront when we step into this era. ENETECH your energy partner.

The fossile era will be phased out when smarter, cheaper and abundant sources of energy is readily available, not when the last drop is pumped up. Integrated hybrid and redundant systems that utilzes 100% renewable abundandt and non polluting energy souces — this is our mission (mission hydrogen).

Energy as a service — solutions for a cleaner future
Harnessing the power in hydrogen is a huge emerging market. ENETECH is in the forefront of this wave. We deliver hybrid energy solutions and guide our clients and partners when integrating new and sustainable energy solutions.
“By 2025 hydrogen strategies can be expected in countries representing over 80% of global GDP” — Welt Energierat, Deutschland World Energy Council.
ENETECH is a full-service technology integrator of state of the art fuel cell technology that delivers energy as a service at the point of use.
ENETECH design, build and deliver tailor-made energy modules for growth sectors in the
European market making businesses sustainable is both responsible and profitable. Let us discuss your next green strategic business crossroad now.
ENETECH is means «energy innovative technology based on hydrogen»
Hybrid green technology is the core of the energi gruppen business model and we offer cross-sector expertise and design and tailor modular solutions based on the clients present and future needs and the changing standards towards a sustainable green business future.
The utilization of fuel cell technology in these early stage projects gave birth to the enetch business model. ENETECH as is the long-awaited spin-off of the founders journey in the sustainable energy business. The ENETECH name and business concept springs out of the entrepreneur mind of Mr. Fjell that co-founded Solteknikk AS in 2018 with two other partners.
Our vision
To be a major contributor in facilitating the green shift into a sustainable energy future.
Our core values
We are focused and dedicated to deliver the highest quality available.
We are flexible and innovate and with a pioneer spirit. We strive to deliver quality and excellence in all project phases.
To develop innovative products together with our key partners and supplier based on components and solutions that are tested and vetted for durability and low maintenance.
Our mission
To make clean redundant hybrid energy solutions and services available, economic and the preferred choice for the broadest range of business and industry cases.
To be the preferred choice when flexible, mobile, durable and green energy systems is in demand anywhere.
Company structure
Energy Gruppen
ENETECH specializes in redundant hybrid energy solutions for :
The construction sector
The construction sector
Off-grid infrastructure / roads and tunnels
Off-grid infrastructure / roads and tunnels
Surveillance and security
Surveillance and security
Telecom and data center
Telecom and data center
Emergency communication and preparedness infrastructure
Emergency communication and preparedness infrastructure
Hydro power — control and valve management
Hydro power — control and valve management
Aqua culture and industry applications for rural and extreme locations
Aqua culture and industry applications for rural and extreme locations
Tourist facilities and rural public service facilities off the grid
Tourist facilities and rural public service facilities off the grid
Problem and Solution
The green shift is here and we are in a middle of global challenge. This Shift represents a massive business opportunity. Hydrogen is clearly recognized as an essential element of a de carbonizing energy system when we now divert away from fossil fuel sources.
Problem 1
Searching for - clean electrisity solution? How to folow the European Green DEAL - the government Demand?
Solution 1
Readily available hydrogen fuel cell combined with methanol reformer to a user-friendly power system reduces CO2 by 60% to 100%.
Problem 2
World chellenge. Dependency on fossil fuel increasing CO2 levels forcing undesired climate change.
Solution 2
We are ready with the innovative green solutions — ENETECH AS is an expert and will solve your problem with Energy moduels, will find the most suitable individual energy solution for your business, home.
UN sustainability goals
The demand for a sustainable future is clearly stated with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Respect for healthy nature and mankind, responsible consumption and production, sustainable natural resource management, decreased pollution and low co2 emissions which help advance climate goals are all goals reflected in our mission, our business and our efforts.
Industry Status
World challenge
World challenge
Dependency on fossil fuel increasing CO2 levels forcing undesired climate change.
In Europe it is already decided to invest in a sustainable future with emission-free energy solutions. 480 B€ is budget.
Reward and encourage the change to green solutions with better and cleaner operations.
The hybrid energy system is clean energy on demand.
Well proven extensive track record scalable.
Key personnel
Bjørn Erling Fjell
Bjørn Erling Fjell
Bjørn Erling Fjell has a lot of experience and knowledge of developments in green energy solutions and has been involved in the solar cell market in Norway. There are not many in the country who know about solar and fuel cell technology and who at the same time have built extreme installations on inaccessible mountain peaks for, among other things, emergency networks and power supply. Bjørn Erling Fjell was born into the crafts and construction business and worked the ladder for many years. Bjørn started in the construction industry when he was 16 years old and has experience as a bricklayer and carpenter. He worked in facade solutions in glass and aluminum before he started with off-grid power supply to Telecom and power installations and the cabin market. He started also off-grid power solutions with the most reliable energy source, utilizing sustainable energy products.
Tobias Kindem
Tobias Kindem
System integration and automation
Crafts educated as certified electrician. Educated as a skilled electrician with 10 years of experience. Has worked within plumbing, carpeting, locksmith and drone pilot. Has also worked with system integration and building automation. For the past three years, has worked with the installation and design of solar systems, some of them in extreme areas, for the emergency network in Norway.
Arne Dahl
Arne Dahl
Chief Marketing Manager
ENETECH Market and System Sales
Extensive experience is strategic sales, product development, marketing design- and project management experience from multiple fields. Arne worked for many years in Design & Project development and have experience from deign, and project management for research and development project for ERGONOMI DESIGN / Design and Communication and was project manager for complex design project leading up to and contracting for the Norwegian Road Authorities a State Managed Research and development contract with STATSBYGG. (The Norwegian State Building Agency). This project was a joint venture with ABB-Environment, ABB-Installation and Nordea as well as the building conglomerate VEIDEKKE ASA. A big heart for Off-Grid Eco village development and planning. He loves strategic marketing just as much as hands on small project direct sale and service.
Polina Gotuleac
Polina Gotuleac
Strategic Business Development Manager
ENETECH Market and Management
Polina has a long career as Sales Director for different business sectors. She worked opening markets in Latin and South America, Asia and South of Europe. She is a hands on project "ant" that can keep track of complex processes, procurement and logistics. She speaks 7 languages and have for the last year been marketing manager as well as project manager for SOLTEKNIKK AS and the projects CRM guru. She always hard working that never leaves colleagues in "between a rock and a hard place" even if it takes working late hours or weekends.
Treat her nice and she will give it all for the customer and her team. Any organization no matter the size or the ambition she is gives it all.